Oct 182008

This is one of the best campaign seasons ever. The election won’t be so good, because there is a danger that either Obama or McCain will be elected as our next president. But the campaign itself is giving us an acrobatic show such as has never before been seen.

On the one hand the leftMediaDem crowd thinks it’s terrible, just terrible for Republicans to try to play up Obama’s association with the likes of Bill Ayers and Acorn. “Their vilest hour” wrote Frank Rich in the Wall Street Journal.

But along comes Joe the Plumber, who of course needs to be thoroughly vetted. And it turns out he may have some sort of family connection to Charles Keating. And that connection is somehow of the utmost importance to the election.

Aren’t these contortions wonderful? It’s like a gymnast trying to do the parallel bars and the flying rings both at the same time.